Friday, November 29, 2019

3 major life events every Millennial should be saving for right now

3 major life events every Millennial should be saving for right now3 major life events every Millennial should be saving for right nowWhen someone departures talking to you about financial savings, do you hit the mental snooze button? Wereallydont blame you. After all, most of us arent exactly in the best spot financiallycompared to our parents generation, and thinking about growing a savings account when youre already kind of struggling to pay rent doesnt sound too appealing.But dont worry - we can compromise. Here are the three most major life events that - yes, three- you should start saving for ASAP. And it doesnt matter how loose or tight your current budget is. It just matters that you start saving.1. An emergency or unexpected purchaseAs unfortunate as it is, most of us experience emergencies or big, out-of-the-blue purchases at least once in our 20s. From company layoffs to a sudden death in the family, shit can hit the groupierealquick. And how it affects you (other than t he obvious emotional toll) can heavily depend on how prepared you are to face it financially. Enter the emergency savings account.Whats the purpose?To protect you against a house scare, or if your car breaks down, or a job lost, or if you need to get a plane ticket somewhere far,Ariel Anderson Fortunato, a certified financial planner atSociety of Grownupstold Swirled. If it happens and youre leid prepared, youll rack up credit card debt.Heres how to build emergency savingsCreate a completely separate savings accountjustfor emergencies, and open that account at a different bank. Youll feel like that money isnt super reachable. Its out of sight, out of mind and its meant to be used only for those emergencies, Fortunato said.Exactly how much should you be saving?Aim to save three to six months worth of living expenses in your emergency fund. Of course, this may take different people different lengths of time to achieve, but make this goal a priority. It alsodepends on your own life and its many facets. Do you have a car? Do you rent or own a home? If youre pressed for cash, start with at least $20 a month. Saving even just a little is better than nothing, and youll save three months worth of living expenses eventually.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and more2. RetirementYeah, yeah, yeah, retirement seems like a lifetime away. But one day, it wont be, and youll be old and ready to chill. If you havent started preparing financially, guess what? Your geriatric self isnotretiring. That might not seem like a big verstndigung im strafverfahren right now, but do yourself a huge solid and listen up.Whats the purpose?Pension plans are dying and the future of social security is uncertain. Its important for individuals to self-fund their retirement, Fortunato said. The good news is that if you start early, you have time on your side.Heres how to build retirement savingsThere a re lots of different types of retirement savings programs. The 401k, for example, is one of the most popular. If youre not familiar with the programs, check outthis explainerfromThe New York Timesthat breaks down each one and to whom theyre typically applicable. Once youve identified the program most relatable to you, ask your companys HR department (or designated person on the team) if the company provides that plan.Sometimes, employers who offer 401k programs will not only allow you to stash money away in the program before taxes are taken out of your paycheck, but also matchthe amount you add. This means they might contribute up to a certain percent of your salary with money from their own funds. Basically, theyre giving you free money for your retirement account.If your employer doesnt offer any retirement plans, dont fret - you can start your own independently. Your biggest options are anIRA,Roth IRA,SEPandSolo 401(k)plan. To start your retirement plan, just read up on each an d choose one. Check out different companies to open your plan with, too. For instance,Ellevest is a great option.Exactly how much should you be saving?Start with a goal in mind so that youre on pace to retire in style. Aim tosave at least the equivalent of your salaryin your retirement account by the time youre 35. If youre single and have an IRA or a Roth IRA, you can contribute up to $6,000 in 2019. If youre single and have a 401(k), theannual contribution limitis $19,000 for 2019.Whatever you do, contribute to a retirement account. If you have an employer-sponsored account, its smart to sign up right away. That money is taken out of your paycheck before your taxes so you end up saving even more money in the long run. Plus, youll most likely forget that the money is even missing from your paycheck. Deducting a certain amount from your paycheck each month for retirement will make saving feel like second nature.3. Your first big investmentIf the previous two life events dont seem ob scure to you, we bet investing does.Investing moneycan seriously help you build your wealth and have more money in the future. Well get into the nitty-gritty details another time, but all you have to know right now is that youdohave the power to invest money and potentially enjoy a big profit later in life. You just might not be ready to take that leap yet, so prepare for it.Whats the purpose?Fortunato said that even though youre likely not ready to jump into a big investment, you should still learn about your options. Starting small is a perfect solution. Youll learn the lingo and and how investing works, so when you decide to invest more, youre comfortable and youll know more about it.Heres how to build investment savingsAgain, we wont get too deep into every single option you have, but a good way to start is to look into online platforms and apps that make small-risk investing easy. There are a lot of online platforms and apps where you can invest as little as $5, Fortunato said. Its not for the elite - its for everybody. TryAcornsorRobinhoodto get started with as little as just $5 - its really that affordable.Exactly how much should you be saving?How much you save for your big investment is totally up to you, and it depends solely on your financial goals. But a good rule of thumb, Fortunato said, is to consider when you want to use the money that youre investing. Is your big investment meant to fund your retirement or a down-payment on a new car within the next five years? Consider your short- and long-term goals before determining how much you want to save.Start saving for these three major life milestones now and youll be living a financially free life later on. Have you started saving for these events yet? Tell us about your strategies inour LinkedIn GroupThis article originally appeared on Swirled.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Energize your Business Strategy with Social Media

Energize your Business Strategy with Social MediaEnergize your Business Strategy with Social MediaEnergize your Business Strategy with Social Media Jo Martin, founder of Digital Royalty and author of Renegades Write the Rules (Jossey-Bass, 2012)Project Manager. Accountant. Sales Person. Inventory Clerk. Marketing Manager. Creative Director. These are just a few of the many possible hats that entrepreneurs wear, sometimes simultaneously.It seems there just arent enough hours in the day. So, how and why would you want to add Social Media Managerto that list?Because its the single most important thing you can do to grow your business.Start with the Why of Social MediaIt may seem overwhelming to jump into the social media space. But its actually easy to get started. Think back to the beginning. Why did you start your business in the first place? Or begin to work with a small business? Whatever that story is, your customers want to know.As Simon Sinek so wisely says, people dont buy what you do, they buy why you do it.Social mediacan be used to expose your why and to shed light on the people behind the brand. After all, humans connect with humans, not logos. Show some skin and let a little personality shine through. People will appreciate your authenticity and end up being mora loyal customers.Better communication also enhances company culture.A company that embraces social media and gives employees the freedom to communicate and experiment with it has happier and more productive employees.Through social media, people can expose their why to co-workers and connect with others who believe what they believe. Through our online platform, Digital Royalty University, we offer classes to help individuals with personal branding and how to use various social media platforms.Save Money on ResearchOnce you have established relationships with customers, the next phase of dialogue can begin. You can tap into your consumer base in real time and ask for their opinions and ideas - for free. You can skip the costly formal research study to determine what it is that your customers really want.Starbucks realized that many of their customers tweets contained great suggestions on how to create a better overall Starbucks experience, so they created a separate Twitter handle specifically to address and respond to all the incoming ideas.From new coffee blends to improving the recycling process, Starbucks considers all suggestions and when one is implemented, the person who submitted the idea gets credit on the Starbucks blog.Your customers are happy to tell you what they want. Just ask. Then listen and respond. Then listen again. Listening and responding are key because the more genuine interactions you have with your customers, the more likely they are to give you honest and continuous valuable feedback.Provide Quick and Amazing Customer ServiceThe immediate nature of social media makes it an extremely efficient customer tafelgeschirr tool. Within a few moments, y ou can help a customer with a problem, or answer questions.All most people want is just for their voice to be heard. Issues that could potentially have a negative effect on your business can be dealt with right away, instead of becoming a brand-damaging PR fiasco. The good, the bad, and the ugly can all be handled in a timely manner via social media.Big retail brands such as Zapposuse Twitter around the clock to respond to questions, complaints and satisfied customers. Southwest Airlines, which is legendary for providing outstanding customer service, uses Twitter to alert passengers of flight delays and to learn of customer complaints.Crowdsource your Product DevelopmentAs your brand and company grows, new products, services, and ideas can be tested and refined based on what your customers think. Engaging consumers pushes them farther up the loyalty ladder. Asking their opinion about your new product instills a sense of ownership and pride in what theyve helped create.When it came t ime to give my new book a title, I turned to my social media followers and asked what they thought the title should be. They helped me come up with a very appropriate title, Renegades Write the Rules.Crowdsourcing your idea also lets you take advantage of the collective wisdom of your audience to create a better end result.Interact in New WaysSocial media allows companies to interact with customers in new and different ways. The possibilities are only limited by your imagination.Tactics that bridge the virtual and physical worlds are the most engaging, whether its a product giveaway for the first response to your tweet, or using social media to localize your marketing efforts.Nike and Whole Foods have separate Twitter handles for each store, enabling employees to address and get involved in their communitys issues and concerns.On a smaller scale, local food trucks that tweet out their whereabouts make the eating experience more fun and memorable because it keeps hungry customers on their toes and gives them the perspektive to meet up with other loyalists while waiting in line.Dont get caught up trying to chase the numbers. One thousand completely loyal followers are worth more than 100,000 followers that have no real affinity toward your brand.Impressions dont convert, but influence does.Author BioAmy Jo Martin, founder and CEO of Digital Royalty and Digital Royalty University, teaches brands, corporations and individuals how to measure and monetize their digital universe. Her book, the New York Times Bestseller Renegades Write the Rules, was published in October. Follow her on Twitter AmyJoMartin.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Writing a Resignation Letter for Unsatisfactory Working Conditions

Writing a Resignation Letter for Unsatisfactory Working ConditionsWriting a Resignation Letter for Unsatisfactory Working ConditionsWhen conditions at a company hinder job performance, you might decide to find a new job. Bring the working relationship to a close with a resignation letter thats professional despite the circumstances. The following sample includes details on why the employee finds conditions unsatisfactory. While it makes sense to elaborate on the problems to a certain extent, your resignation letter should not turn into a rant. Resignation Letter for Unsatisfactory Working Condition Example Elements of this resignation letter include The date of writingThe name of your supervisor or managerA few highlights of your time with the companyYour reason for leaving (unsatisfactory conditions)A brief description of the issue(s)Your last day of work Sample Letter Todays DateManager NameCompany NameCompany AddressDear Mr./Ms. ManagerIt is with reluctance that I submit this letter. Although my time with (company name) has been, on the whole, satisfying and productive, for quite a while now I have become less and less satisfied with the work situation. The direction of the company, the group in which I work, and the new targets and the methods of accomplishing them have made it increasingly difficult to feel Im contributing enough.Therefore, it is with regret that I ask you to accept this letter of resignation from (company name) effective (last day of work).Sincerely,(Sign Here)Your Namecc (people to be copied on the letter - HR Manager, Director, etc.) Expand Why You Should Give a Reason for Your Resignation Including a reason for your resignation can alert bosses to conditions affecting staff morale. In large companies, especially, its easy for managers to lose touch with employees. When you tell them about serious weaknesses, they may be surprised at how bad the situation is. Hopefully, theyll take action and fix the problem. And even if you dont want to work there anymore, the environment can improve for others. When the Relationship Is Beyond Repair You wont always be able to salvage a relationship with the company. This usually happens when bosses know youre unhappy but do nothing to improve conditions. Other reasons might be The company forces you to do tasks youre uncomfortable performingConditions at work threaten your well-beingThey demand unreasonable job performance Workers often feel upset, or even angry, because of the experience. If you simply want to move on, perhaps a more appropriate letter should be brief and to the point. It only advises the company you are resigning and the effective date. Below is a sample of a brief resignation letter. Brief Resignation Letter Todays DateManagers NameCompany NameCompany AddressDear Mr./Ms. ManagerI hereby tender my resignation from (company name), effective (last day of employment).Sincerely,(Sign Here)Your Namecc (people to be copied on the letter - HR Manager, Dire ctor, etc) Expand Why You Shouldnt Bad-Mouth the Company While its easy to lose control and deride the company for their shortcomings, keep your emotions in check. This works in your favor because You dont want an aggressive letter to ruin your reputation.If youre overly critical of the company, it might come back to haunt you. (Think about references and your bosss connections to other influencers in the industry.)When you leave on neutral ground, you have the opportunity to secure new connections before you go. You can also save existing relationships that may prove beneficial.Youre leaving soon (many companies stipulate a two-week notice period in contracts), so dont make the situation worse than it already is. If your letter forces a turnaround at the office, you may even find yourself back at your old desk. Thats only possible if your letter is amicable. Next Steps When a hiring manager asks why you left your previous job, dont smear your old bosses. You can mention the challenges you faced. However, focus on how you maintained a professional attitude right up to your resignation and departure. Use the experience as a positive when you move to your next position. You can appreciate the improved work environment, which means motivation to perform better. And youll be more aware of the warning signs if conditions at the company start to decline.